Helen Davies

20 February 2019 | Duration: 01:15:52


Helen Davies is the Western Cape Provincial Government’s Chief Director for the Green Economy, a post she has held since March 2017. In this role she was closely involved in helping businesses in the region to develop strategies for coping with the water crisis. Helen first worked for the City of Cape Town from 1999 to 2002, then co-ordinated the West Sussex Sustainable Business Partnership (UK) 2003 – 2005, followed by management and sustainability consulting from 2007 – 2011 before returning to government service, first with the Provincial Government as Director of Climate Change and Biodiversity (2011 – 2014) and then as the City’s Head of Environmental Policy and Strategy from 2014 until her transfer back to the Provincial Government in 2017. Helen has four degrees from UCT: B.Sc. in Environmental Science and Oceanography; a B.Sc. (Hons) in Atmospheric Science; M.Sc. in Conservation Biology and an MBA (2006).